TracingVRL is the COVID-inspired project tracking the information going viral.

Most journalism is expressed in written or spoken words. Project TracingVRL publishes the pulse of information at bimonthly, sometimes weekly intervals, through news murals. These reports, comprised of sourced news clips, original written news segments and images, make updates easier to consume. The newsletter is more than an “aggregator.”

While some of my newsletters are behind a paywall, nearly all stand behind the signup wall. Don’t miss the next free issue:

Transcend rapid-response:

Why subscribe?

Rapid response to beat back disinformation is not sustainable.

  • Subscribe to track disinformation meme formation in real-time.

  • Subscribe to track why people spread disinformation, and others launder misinformation, in the first place.

  • Subscribe to track the reverberations of, and responses to, the most damaging pandemic in 100 years.

You won’t regret it.

In the U.S., healthcare is a business. But even government-run healthcare needs to balance budgets using short- and long-term forecasts. Polluted data lakes make forecasts inaccurate.

Caduceus, the ancient Greek symbol for commerce. Image: TracingCOVID.

This newsletter is built on deep media literacy research and computational lexical analysis.

I have a background in mathematics and experience as a daily journalist.

This newsletter brings back the pulse of news with negative space between issues. News in 2020 was a dulling, overwhelming dribble.

This newsletter serves local and international news clips.


A.J. Fish is a programmer-journalist with programming resume entries from ad tech and public health, and journalism entries in freelancer as well as daily reporter capacities. She has survived relationships with manipulative people. She also navigated the U.S. health system and reached wellness after diagnosis with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and vertigo.

Fish holds a bachelor's degree in mathematics, achieved after first dabbling in forestry studies.

Fish's grandfather Evander MacLeod emigrated out of Scotland in the 1930s, as did Mary Anne MacLeod, who happens to be the late mother of one current presidential candidate. Fish has no definitive proof of familial relations with said candidate.

Subscribe to TracingVRL

The COVID-inspired project tracking the information going ViRaL. Local and international.


AJ Fish is a programmer-journalist living in San Francisco. Among a spectrum of niche jobs, she worked as a software engineer under USAID's Public Health Institute during the 2014-2015 Ebola outbreak. [aj.fishsf at gmail]